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Coalition canadienne des soins palliatifs (CCSP)

Elle croit que tous les Canadiens ont droit à des soins palliatifs de qualité qui leur permettront de mourir dans la dignité, sans douleur, entourés de leurs proches, dans le milieu de leur choix.

Pallium Canada serves as the Secretariat for the Palliative Care Coalition of Canada (PCCC), formerly known as the Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada (QELCCC). The PCCC is a group of over 30 national organizations dedicated to improving palliative care for everyone in Canada.

To achieve quality palliative care for everyone in Canada, the PCCC advocates for a well-funded, sustainable national strategy for palliative care. It is the mission of the Palliative Care Coalition of Canada to work together in partnership to achieve this goal.

For any questions regarding the PCCC, please contact

Réponse du CCSP au cadre sur les soins palliatifs au Canada (en anglais)
Lisez le dernier numéro du bulletin du CCSP (en anglais)

Plan d’action

Over the past 20 years, 30+ national organizations that are members of the Palliative Care Coalition of Canada have worked together to improve palliative care for everyone in Canada. Their goals are to improve access to care, increase the number of professionals and volunteers with the skills to provide high quality palliative care, promote research that would improve care, support the family members who care for people who are dying, and educate Canadians about their choices at end of life.

In 2010, the Palliative Care Coalition of Canada (PCCC), formerly known as the Quality End of Life Coalition of Canada (QELCCC), released the Blueprint for Action 2010-2020 which identified priority areas and recommendations for the last 10 years. Moving forward, the Coalition produced the Blueprint for Action 2020-2025 to continue to improve quality palliative care and access for everyone in Canada and provide a summary of progress made, current knowledge, and addresses ongoing issues and gaps in the field.

Initiatives des membres

Nous sommes ravis de présenter les efforts collectifs et les initiatives de nos membres de la coalition qui ont façonné le paysage des soins palliatifs à travers le pays en 2023. Des solutions de soins de santé innovantes aux programmes de sensibilisation communautaire, chaque initiative reflète notre engagement commun à faire progresser la qualité des soins palliatifs au Canada.

Historique et mandat de la Coalition

In June 2000, a Senate of Canada report, entitled Quality End-of-Life Care: The Right of Every Canadian, made several strong recommendations for ensuring that Canadians have access to high quality end-of-life care. One of those recommendations is that the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, develops a Canadian strategy for end-of-life care.

In December 2000, a group of 24 national stakeholders met in Toronto to set the groundwork for the development of a strategy, resulting in the creation of the Palliative Care Coalition of Canada, previously known as the Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada (QELCCC).

Following an agreement reached at the 2023 Annual General Meeting, the Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada announced its new identity as the Palliative Care Coalition of Canada. This decision reflects PCCC’s steadfast commitment to embracing the current, accepted definition of palliative care – an all-encompassing approach that improves the quality of life for individuals and their loved ones facing serious illness.


La Coalition canadienne des soins palliatifs comprend trois groupes de travail, ainsi qu’un comité directeur composé des présidents de chacun des trois groupes (défense des intérêts, éducation, recherche et application des connaissances). Pallium Canada assure le secrétariat de la Coalition et fournit un soutien administratif pour les tâches des groupes de travail.


Interventions pour les proches aidants endeuillés : une revue de la littérature canadienne

Thrower, C., Barrie, C., Baxter, S., Bloom, M., Borja, M., Butters, A., Dudgeon, D., Haque, A., Lee, S., Mahmood, I., Mirhosseini, M., Mirza, R., Murzin, K., Ankita, A., Skantharajah, N., Vadeboncoeur, C., Wan, A., & Klinger, C. (2022). Interventions for Grieving and Bereaved Informal Caregivers: A Scoping Review of the Canadian Literature. Journal of Palliative Care [Sage], Online First;

Open Access publication supported by the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN).

Read the full publication.

Soutien aux proches aidants au Canada : une revue de la littérature sous l’angle des soins palliatifs et de fin de vie

Wan, A., Lung, E., Ankita, A., Li, Z., Barrie, C., Baxter, S., Benedet, L., Mirhosseini, M., Mirza, R., Thorpe, C., Vadeboncoeur, C., & Klinger, C. (2022). Support for Informal Caregivers in Canada: A Scoping Review from a Hospice and Palliative/End-of-Life Care Lens. Journal of Palliative Care [Sage], Online First;

Open Access publication supported by the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN).

Read the full publication.

Les expériences de deuil et de perte des proches aidants : une revue de la littérature nord-américaine

Skantharajah, N., Barrie, C., Baxter, S., Borja, M.C., Butters, A., Dudgeon, D., Haque, A., Mahmood, I., Mirhosseini, M., Mirza, R., Ankita, A., Thrower, C., Vadeboncoeur, C., Wan, A., & Klinger, C. (2021). The Grief and Bereavement Experiences of Informal Caregivers: A Scoping Review of the North American Literature. Journal of Palliative Care [Sage], Online First;

Open Access publication supported by Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN).

Read the full publication.

Le soutien informel aux personnes atteintes de maladies limitantes : exploration des lacunes de connaissances

Lung, E., Wan, A., Ankita, A., Baxter, S., Benedet, L., Li, Z., Mirhosseini, M., Mirza, R., Thorpe, K., Vadeboncoeur, C., & Klinger, C. (2021). Informal Caregiving for People with Life-limiting Illness: Exploring the Knowledge Gaps. Journal of Palliative Care [Sage], Online First;

Open Access publication supported by the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE).

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Lacunes dans la recherche en soins palliatifs et en soins de fin de vie : une revue de la littérature nord-américaine

Antonacci, A., Barrie, C., Baxter, S., Chaffey, S., Chary, S., Grassau, P., Hammond, C., Mirhosseini, M., Mirza, R., Murzin, K., & Klinger, C. (2020). Gaps in Hospice and Palliative Care Research: A Scoping Review of the North American Literature. Journal of Aging Research [Hindawi], 2020;

Open Access publication supported by the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) and the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE).

Read full publication.

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