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Pallium Canada is thrilled to announce the early launch in British Columbia of a free, online course for caregivers, thanks to the support of the Pacific Blue Cross Health Foundation. Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative Care (LEAP™) Carers is ideal for anyone who provides care to a person with a serious illness or for anyone who wants to support a caregiver.

Caregiving is a role that most people are thrust into with little to no preparation or training. LEAP™ Carers provides important information, practical training and resources for family caregivers who support those facing serious illnesses. LEAP™ Carers builds on the highly successful caregiver training program from the Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program by translating the course into a series of free, interactive online modules that focus on the ‘functional’ aspects of being a caregiver. Topics include navigating the health care system, advance care planning, how to provide personal care and hygiene with dignity, end of life and medication management, caregiver communication and advocacy skills as well as self-care strategies.

Pallium Canada’s Chief Executive Officer, Jeffrey Moat, says “We are delighted by the support we’ve received from the Pacific Blue Cross Health Foundation and their Kick-Start grant to help launch and promote LEAP™ Carers to British Columbians and we are pleased to have worked with the Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program to help scale their caregiver course across Canada. As the invisible back bone of the health care system, we are excited to better support the millions of Canadians who are caring for their family, friends, and members of their communities through an accessible and practical online course.”

Jim Iker, Board Chair for Pacific Blue Cross Health Foundation says, “Helping British Columbians improve their health and wellbeing is our mission—particularly those managing a chronic disease or a mental health challenge. We are excited to support the launch of LEAP™ Carers in British Columbia. We know the initiative will be an important resource for BC caregivers and improve the quality of care for those suffering from a serious illness.”

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