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Palliative Care Resources

Take the next step in your palliative care learning journey with our palliative care resources and tools for health care professionals. Access educational resources to build your learning journey, practical clinical tools, strategies for quality improvement, and opportunities to engage with communities of practice. These practical, interprofessional resources can help you deliver better palliative and end-of-life care in your daily practice.

Discover the best-selling resource for palliative and end-of-life care with the Pallium Palliative Pocketbook.


Ready to connect with leaders and experts in palliative care? Join the Palliative Care ECHO Project.

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Pallium’s LEAP courses provide the foundation needed to make the most of these palliative care resources. We also offer programs and resources to support community care.

Learning Module
Taking Ownership Module

Taking Ownership provides an introductory overview of the palliative care approach and how health care professionals from different disciplines can make primary-level palliative care a part of their daily work. This free module will give you a sense of the rich content and engaging nature of Pallium’s Learning Essential Approaches to Palliative Care (LEAP) courseware.

McGill Palliative Care National Grand Rounds Programme

The McGill Palliative Care National Grand Rounds, held in partnership with the Palliative Care ECHO Project, are held simultaneously online and in-person. This series supports and advances the field of palliative care by providing universal access to the latest research and treatment breakthroughs, and sharing national and international work in palliative care, and strategies to address the most important challenges in the field.

Learning Module
LEAP Carers

LEAP™ Carers is a free online, self-learning palliative care course that provides caregivers with important information, practical straining and resources to help them provide care to their family or friends living with a serious illness.

The Palliative Care Journal Watch

The Palliative Care Journal Watch is a regular series of webinars and podcasts that keeps you up to date on the latest peer-reviewed palliative care literature. Our team of contributors regularly monitors over 20 journals and highlight papers that have the potential to challenge us to think differently about a topic or confirm our current practices.

Communauté de pratique en soins palliatifs pédiatriques

Venez faire partie de la communauté de pratique (CdP) en soins palliatifs pédiatriques, en collaboration avec Le Phare, Enfants et Familles! Cette appartenance vous permettra de réseauter et d’apprendre des experts à travers le Canada francophone qui partagent votre intérêt pour l’approche intégrée des soins palliatifs en pédiatrie.

Lung Health Community of Practice

Join the Palliative Care ECHO Project for the new Lung Health Community of Practice, in collaboration with the Lung Health Foundation! Connect with colleagues from across Canada with a shared interest in integrating a palliative care approach for individuals with advanced lung disease.

Quality Improvement Condensed (QUIC): Improving Essential Conversations in Long-Term Care toolkit

This Quality Improvement Condensed (QUIC) toolkit supports those working in long-term care facilities improve essential conversations with their residents and their caregivers.

Compassionate Communities Evaluation Guide

The Compassionate Communities Evaluation Guide empowers Compassionate Communities in their mission to improve experiences related to serious illness, caregiving, dying, and grieving.

Severe and Persistent Mental Illness Community of Practice

This community of practice hosted by the Palliative Care ECHO Project focuses on providing a palliative care approach for individuals with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI). This series explored emerging clinical models to provide improved palliative care for this patient population, with sessions focusing on palliative psychiatry, future models and directions, what palliative care can offer to people with SPMI, and more.

Long-Term Care Quality Improvement Community of Practice

This community of practice hosted by the Palliative Care ECHO Project was led by a team of subject matter experts with a passion for quality improvement and long-term care. Using an all-learn, all-teach approach, members of this collaborative provided input on quality improvement toolkits that will support the implementation of palliative care-related quality improvement initiatives in the context of long-term care.

Long-Term Care Community of Practice

This free community of practice from the Palliative Care ECHO Project is ideal for health care professionals, administrators, and system leaders working in long-term care. This 13-part series builds on foundational palliative care knowledge and included knowledge exchange opportunities and interactive, case-based discussions.

Learning Module
Social Connection Palliative Care – Module

This module helps health care professionals understand the critical role of social connections in patient health outcomes by exploring the use of the Atlas CareMap as a tool to increase patients’ social connections.

Atlas CareMap Community Workshop Toolkit

The Atlas CareMap Community Workshop Toolkit is a resource that’s part of the Care Connections Program designed for anyone who would like to run a care map workshop in their neighbourhood or community.

Atlas CareMap Toolkit

A CareMap is a simple visual diagram of the people involved in providing care to a caregiver and care recipient.

Compassionate Communities Sustainability Guide

The Compassionate Communities Sustainability Guide builds on the Compassionate Communities Startup Toolkit by supporting initiatives through their next phase of development — scale and spread.

Quality Improvement Condensed (QUIC): Identify Patients with Palliative Care Needs and Develop a Practice Palliative Care Register

This Quality Improvement Condensed (QUIC) toolkit helps you to identify patients who could benefit from a palliative care approach and develop a palliative care register (list) for your practice.

Compassionate Communities Start Up Toolkit

The Compassionate Community Startup Toolkit provides you with essential information, resources and templates to launch a Compassionate Community.

Bridging Hope: Palliative Care Webinars

A series of webinars on topics relevant to health care teams who are working to implement a palliative care approach across care settings.

Learning Module
COVID-19 Palliative Care Resources

Discover essential palliative care resources for health care professionals responding to COVID-19, including free educational modules, webinars, and more

Faith Community Toolkit

Through our work to support the Compassionate Community movement in Canada, Pallium is collaborating with faith groups to strengthen our collective understanding of serious illness, caregiving, death and grieving to help ensure Canadians have access to appropriate and timely support for all of their palliative care needs, including spirituality and faith.

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