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Who is it for?

LEAP Oncology is ideal palliative care training for health care professionals, such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and more, who work in cancer care but whose primary focus is not palliative care.

This course promotes teamwork, supports interprofessional collaboration, and fosters connections among health care providers across cancer care settings who work together (e.g., oncologists, nurses, social workers, pharmacist, radiation therapist).

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of LEAP Oncology, learners should be able to:

  • Identify patients who could benefit from a palliative care approach earlier in the illness trajectory.
  • Promote and undertake Advance Care Planning discussions.
  • Assess and manage pain; delirium; dyspnea; and nausea, nutrition, and hydration.
  • Develop plans to address spiritual, religious, or psychosocial needs.
  • Initiate essential discussions related to palliative and end-of-life care in daily work.
  • Prepare patients and families for last days and hours.
  • Identify quality improvement opportunities related to palliative care.

Course features


Collaborate and learn from interprofessional experts in an interprofessional setting.


Choose from multiple delivery models to suit your learning preferences.


Learn from course materials that were developed and reviewed by Canadian experts in cancer care and palliative care.


Gain essential skills and competencies in the palliative care approach conceptualized to a cancer care setting.


Earn a nationally recognized LEAP certificate of completion


Receive an electronic copy of the Pallium Palliative Pocketbook.


Collaborate and learn from interprofessional health care professionals, including physicians, nurses, social workers, and more


Choose from multiple delivery models to suit your learning preferences.


Learn from course materials that were developed and reviewed by Canadian experts in cancer care and palliative care.


Gain essential skills and competencies in the palliative care approach conceptualized to a cancer care setting.


Earn a nationally recognized LEAP certificate of completion


Receive an electronic copy of the Pallium Palliative Pocketbook.

Delivery modes

  • Self-paced learning: Complete 17 interactive, self-learning modules at your own pace (approximately 8 hours of work) in advance of the facilitated workshop.
  • Workshop: Participate in 6 hours of live webinars led by LEAP facilitators where learners will work through cases and discuss learnings from modules.
Pricing for online delivery

$425 for physicians
$295 for non-physicians
$175 for personal care aides

Non-physicians refers to nurses, pharmacists, social workers, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, students, residents, etc.

Personal care aides refers to personal support workers, health care aides, health care assistants, care aides, etc.


This two-credit-per-hour Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 29.0 Mainpro+® credits.

This is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the University of Ottawa’s Office of Continuing Professional Development. You may claim a maximum of 14.5 hours (credits are automatically calculated).

Up to


Mainpro+ credits

The College of Family Physicians of Canada logo

Maximum of



Course topics

LEAP Oncology provides health care professionals working in cancer care with the essential skills and competencies of the palliative care approach, including:

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Being aware
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Palliative sedation
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Principles of palliative care
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Gastrointestinal symptoms, hydration and nutrition
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Respiratory symptoms
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Last days and hours
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Resources and quality improvement
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Advance Care Planning
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Psychosocial and spiritual care
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Request to hasten death
I see palliative care differently now after taking LEAP Oncology. I understand now that it is not just right at the very end of life and the proactive approach is very beneficial on all levels. I can better understand where patients and their supports are in their journey.
Dannette D.
Volunteer Coordinator
I loved the practical advice and real stories that were shared of how to treat patients. The advice that was given was exceptional, it was very practical and relatable. The facilitators did such a wonderful job of answering questions and you could tell that they’re passionate about palliative care and loved what they.
Ellen C.
After taking LEAP Oncology, I now commit to ensuring the care I am providing addresses cultural needs and respects the unique needs and preferences of patients and their families from different backgrounds.
Ashwini D.
Social Worker
I now have Advanced Care Planning conversations with patients MUCH more often than I did before. I think simply getting to know my patients and find out what is important to them is really helpful for care planning.
Jessica B.
Registered Nurse
I now participate in ongoing discussions with clinicians within the team on implementation of a supportive palliative approach to care earlier in the trajectory of care. I am also now able to discuss goals of care and philosophy with patients and team members to ensure patient centered approach to care.
Treena H.
Rehabilitation Allied Health Professional
I am now better able to support my patients after they have tough conversations with their physicians or radiation oncologists.
Chalina H.
Radiation therapist
I now discuss Advance Care Planning with more of my GP Oncology patients. Thanks to LEAP Oncology, I have been considering palliative care approach more consistently.
Kayla F.
Family physician

Key LEAP features

Pallium’s award-winning suite of LEAP courseware transforms health care practice across all settings of care, through practical, interprofessional and evidence-based palliative care training.

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Canada’s leading suite of palliative care courses.
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Created and peer-reviewed by Canadian experts.
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Earn nationally recognized certification.
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Collaborate with interprofessional health care professionals.
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Backed by evidence and best practices.
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Over 600+ courses are held every year.

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