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Who is it for?

LEAP Home Care is ideal for any health care professionals, such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and more, as well as personal support workers or care aides working in a home care context.


LEAP Home Care is available in two learning streams, each designed to meet the unique needs of professionals working in home care:

  • A home care professional stream for health care professionals such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists, social workers, and others who work in home care settings.
  • A personal support worker stream, tailored for personal support workers, care aides, and health care assistants working in home care.

Both streams provide a comprehensive interprofessional, facilitated learning experience that focuses on the essential competencies to provide a palliative care approach.

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of LEAP Home Care, learners should be able to: 

  • Recognize the role of all home care providers have in providing a palliative care approach.
  • Collaborate effectively with interprofessional teams to optimize care outcomes for home care patients.
  • Implement strategies for quality improvement in palliative care practices specific to home care settings.
  • Apply a palliative care approach effectively in home care settings.
  • Facilitate meaningful Advance Care Planning (ACP) conversations sensitively and effectively, respecting the preferences and priorities of patients.
  • Assess and manage pain using evidence-based approaches tailored to the home care environment.
  • Recognize and manage delirium in palliative care contexts within home settings.
  • Address hydration and nutrition needs appropriately in the context of palliative care at home.
  • Provide support for patients and families experiencing depression, anxiety, and grief in the home care setting.
  • Engage in essential conversations about sensitive topics such as dyspnea, psychosocial and spiritual distress, and the last days and hours of life.
  • Prepare patients and families for last days and hours.

Course features


Collaborate with and learn from health care professionals, including physicians, nurses, social workers, personal support workers, and more.


Choose from multiple delivery models to suit your learning preferences, including online and by hybrid learning.


Benefit from a personalized learning stream for personal support workers working in home care.


Gain essential skills in the palliative care approach tailored to a home care setting.


Earn a nationally recognized LEAP certificate of completion.


Receive an electronic copy of the Pallium Palliative Pocketbook.


Collaborate with and learn from health care professionals, including physicians, nurses, social workers, personal support workers, and more.


Choose from multiple delivery models to suit your learning preferences.


Benefit from a personalized learning stream for personal support workers, offering a high-quality educational experience tailored to their crucial role within the home care sector.


Gain essential skills in the palliative care approach tailored to a home care setting.


Earn a nationally recognized LEAP certificate of completion.


Receive an electronic copy of the Pallium Palliative Pocketbook.

Delivery modes

  • Home care professional stream: Complete 17 interactive, self-paced learning modules at your own pace (approximately 8 hours of work) in advance of the facilitated workshop.
  • Personal support worker stream: Tailored for PSWs with 16 interactive, self-learning modules completed at your own pace (approximately 8 hours of online work) in advance of the facilitated workshop.
  • Workshop: Participate in 6 hours of live webinars led by LEAP facilitators where learners from both streams will work through cases and discuss learnings.
Pricing for online delivery:

$425 for physicians
$295 for non-physicians
$175 for personal care aides

Non-physicians refers to nurses, pharmacists, social workers, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, students, residents, etc.

Personal care aides refers to personal support workers, health care aides, health care assistants, care aides, etc.

  • Home care professional stream: Complete 17 interactive, self-paced learning modules at your own pace (approximately 8 hours of work) in advance of the facilitated workshop.
  • Personal support worker stream: Tailored for PSWs with 16 interactive, self-learning modules completed at your own pace (approximately 8 hours of online work) in advance of the facilitated workshop.
  • Workshop: Participate in 6 hours of in-person, face-to-face learning led by LEAP facilitators where learners from both streams will work through cases and discuss learnings.
Pricing for hybrid delivery:

$365 for physicians
$235 for non-physicians
$115 for personal care aides

Non-physicians refers to nurses, pharmacists, social workers, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, students, residents, etc.

Personal care aides refers to personal support workers, health care aides, health care assistants, care aides, etc.

Course topics

LEAP Home Care provides health care professionals working in home care with the essential skills and competencies of the palliative care approach, including:

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Being aware
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Palliative sedation
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Principles of palliative care
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Gastrointestinal symptoms, hydration and nutrition
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Respiratory symptoms
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Last days and hours
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Resources and quality improvement
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Advance Care Planning
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Psychosocial and spiritual care
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Requests to hasten death
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Essential conversations
Since completing LEAP Home Care, I have been able to better assess when a patient will benefit from a palliative physician and team to support early planning in the disease process and progression to ensure they have all supports in place before in active end-of-life stages and that family members are supported with any needed grief counseling.
Jennifer B.
Nurse Practitioner
LEAP Home Care taught me exactly how palliative care works and the critical timing for initiating appropriate interventions, especially in cases where individuals have been overlooked by our healthcare system.
Personal Support Worker
LEAP Home Care learner
LEAP Home Care exceeded my expectations! The facilitators and interactive breakout sessions effectively refreshed my knowledge and connected theoretical learning with practical application.
Personal Support Worker
LEAP Home Care learner
The multidisciplinary mix of participants, including nurses, doctors, PSWs, and allied health professionals, was incredibly beneficial for my learning experience. The facilitators, with their extensive experience, were excellent. The course duration was perfectly balanced, and the provided resources were highly valuable.
Social Worker
LEAP Home Care learner
I am more aware of using the palliative care approach. I am using more "how" and "what" questions in my interactions with clients and their families. I am allowing more time for discussion on "what matters" to clients and their families.
Registered Nurse Practitioner
LEAP Home Care learner

Key LEAP features

Pallium’s award-winning suite of LEAP courseware transforms health care practice across all settings of care, through practical, interprofessional and evidence-based palliative care training.

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Canada’s leading suite of palliative care courses.
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Created and peer-reviewed by Canadian experts.
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Earn nationally recognized certification.
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Collaborate with interprofessional health care professionals.
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Backed by evidence and best practices.
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Over 600+ courses are held every year.

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