Support your community
Compassionate Community Toolkits
Bring support and resources to your community
Pallium offers easy-to-use toolkits designed to help community members create more compassionate and supportive communities for patients, caregivers and their families experiencing serious illness, dying and grieving.
Startup Toolkit
The Compassionate Community Startup Toolkit equips you with essential information and resources to empower people in your community to provide important physical, emotional, social, spiritual and practical support.
Sustainability Guide
The Compassionate Communities Sustainability Guide builds on the Compassionate Communities Startup Toolkit by supporting initiatives through their next phase of development — scale and spread.
Evaluation Guide
The Compassionate Communities Evaluation Guide supports Compassionate Community champions across Canada in measuring the impact of their work, sharing learnings and results and engage in discussions to assess the potential scale and spread of their initiatives.
Faith Community Toolkit
The Faith Community Toolkit will increase knowledge and understanding of medical and spiritual aspects surrounding serious illness, caregiving, death and grieving, while building capacity within Catholic parishes to support compassionate care within and beyond the parish community.